Digital RecruitersGlobal Experience6 Recruitment Marketing Tips to Attract International Professionals

The world of work is more different today than ever before. The Internet revolution has granted access to an unimaginable reach, stretching across borders. In parallel, the competition for talent increases, and it is becoming increasingly important for organizations calling themselves international to build efficient global recruitment strategies. Hiring international workers represents a great opportunity. Not only does it help a company stay competitive and diversify their skills, but it also allows a continuous workflow...
Catenon World4 years ago22227 min

The world of work is more different today than ever before. The Internet revolution has granted access to an unimaginable reach, stretching across borders. In parallel, the competition for talent increases, and it is becoming increasingly important for organizations calling themselves international to build efficient global recruitment strategies.
Hiring international workers represents a great opportunity. Not only does it help a company stay competitive and diversify their skills, but it also allows a continuous workflow even outside working hours. Therefore, in order to support growth in this new era and remain competitive, organizations need to build a comprehensive global strategy.


What makes an efficient global HR recruitment strategy?

Attracting international professionals requires a different hiring strategy than when faced with national professionals. 


  • Employer Brand

Good employer branding is paramount for every recruitment strategy. Therefore, building a truly global employer brand is the first step to implementing a global recruitment strategy. There are various ways of creating a solid global employer brand to attract talent. For example, developing employee ambassadors, using social media, and digitizing brand strategy. These elements of the global employer brand need to be effective across the world. 


  • Candidate Experience

Facilitating candidate experience when trying to recruit internationally is a basic, and easy to do step that makes an immense difference. Indeed, candidates around the world are not interested in complicated and lengthy applications, especially for an international job post. International professionals are attracted by mobile-friendly, short and easy to fill out, and engaging descriptions paired with consistent communication. 


  • Employee Referral Program

According to a SHRM study, referrals account for about 30% of all hires. Therefore, a valuable element to add to a global recruitment strategy. Implementing an employee referral program for each country is a valuable cost-effective way to advertise a company.


  • Consistent Onboarding process

The SHRM study has also shown that 69% of employees are more likely to stay with a company for 3 years or more when they experience great onboarding. Onboarding helps new employees to get to know the company, understand tasks and expectations, and all other essentials. Individuals do not want to worry about uncertainties when about to relocate from another country and feel lost upon arrival. Mentioning onboarding gives the impression that onboarding is a priority. Moreover, if a company already has international employees, creating a mentoring program to connect the long-term international workers with the recent joiners. Making a standardized process, creating global job contract repositories to make candidates’ onboarding processes more efficient and compliant is a good strategy. 


  • Standardized technology

Centralized technology systems for all global locations give better data, a better view of the workforce, better studies of the market and the ability to better support trends and making strategic decisions. 


  • Promote Understanding of Differences in Workplace Culture

Before starting to market job openings internationally, it is primordial to take the time to understand the culture, how it differs from country to country and ways to accommodate to a new environment. Be mindful of other languages. An employer who can blend diversity management and inclusiveness can be successful at attracting foreign talent and encouraging home-based employees to embrace differences.


Hiring international professionals is now becoming a priority for most companies who desire to remain competitive and seek continuous growth. An effective HR international recruitment strategy can be easily implemented with some basic policies. Widening the talent pool and extending your reach across borders is now standard for our era of collaboration.



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