Home2020July 2020 - Catenon World


  “Hire the brightest” “Recruit the most qualified when recruiting new employees” “Build a team with the most competent members” These are all phrases and wisdom which are well-known to managers. These ideas are so recognized and adapted, that they hardly deserve a second-thought, right? WRONG. Nowadays, they appear to be incorrect. In today’s business environment, which is highly competitive, fast-changing, and globally connected, a truly successful team should consider different elements. According to a...


Companies around the world are announcing that they will be remote-first — forever. Remote work has come to stay and companies around the world are changing their plans so that their employees can stay home more often. This brings new challenges for both workers and managers who have to manage people who may not be working in the office. Companies such as Twitter, Facebook, Shopify,  and hundreds more have openly said “office centricity” is over. Working remotely...


Deloitte mentioned the concept of “superjobs” in its “2019 Global Human Capital Trends” report, as an evolution of traditional jobs brought about by the growing adoption of technology at work and in organizations. A new category of “superjobs” that have changed the map of the future of work completely. As technology, artificial intelligence, machines and robots have taken over routine and repetitive tasks leaving humans with the more analytical and creative missions, jobs have evolved...


Current organizations need to evolve to stay ahead in today’s competitive world, and implementing new leadership promotes exciting opportunities for development. Besides the fresh perspectives, limited talent pools are fueling the need to search for great talent through industries. Cross-industry hiring is also a necessity in young emerging sectors such as FoodTech. It is also important for some areas suffering from talent shortages, such as Cyber Security, where there are currently one million unfilled jobs....