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In the face of limited talent pools and a highly competitive market, companies need to have a precise understanding of the capabilities of their employees at all levels of the organization, and design talent selection and development initiatives that align with their business’ strategic needs. This is why in today’s chaotic and ever-changing working environment, companies who carry on regular assessment center will thrive, and those who don’t will perish.   What is it? An...


Recent discussions on the future of jobs have focused mainly on whether or not they are at risk of being automated. But we believe the issue goes further, many jobs will still be needed for our day-to-day, However, we are confident that they will change and that this will lead to both the creation and the need for new skills and knowledge needed to carry out tomorrow’s functions. This presentation is based on the findings of...


“Nothing will be the same anymore”. That is everyone’s fear: companies, organizations, governments and society in general. The current COVID19 pandemic has no borders and has spread from country to country with overwhelming ease. In a hyper-connected, global world, everything circulates faster. Good and bad. All countries affected by the virus have been forced to isolate their populations with the aim of curbing infections and protecting the limited capacity of national health systems. A kind of de-globalisation where the movement...


The world of work changes every day, thanks to progress in technology. Nowadays, digital leadership represents a direct competitive advantage, especially in recruitment. As digital leadership is an evolving matter, it is, therefore, hard to define. However, we consider it to englobe the leverage of social platforms, by building a base of followers who can benefit from your expertise. These social platforms include blogs, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or any other social channel made for...


Sustainable tourism is a reality. More and more companies are adopting sustainable tourism, given that it meets the needs of tourists, therefore generating profit with the traveller’s loyalty and the support of local communities. The issue of sustainability is now at the centre of the focus on management. In this regard, tourism reinvented itself by offering its services through sustainable tourism, a trend whereby tourists ensure they make more sustainable choices when organizing a trip. According...


The world of work is more different today than ever before. The Internet revolution has granted access to an unimaginable reach, stretching across borders. In parallel, the competition for talent increases, and it is becoming increasingly important for organizations calling themselves international to build efficient global recruitment strategies. Hiring international workers represents a great opportunity. Not only does it help a company stay competitive and diversify their skills, but it also allows a continuous workflow...


A new world, hyperconnected The world is becoming progressively more and more digital, societies hyper-connected and less predictable. For every company in every industry, these changes imply major shifts in management. Technology: social networks, mobility, big data, the cloud and all the other new tools change our way of working. Thus, they also bring changes to our management models. For example, Network Map management is becoming the new preferred organizational model. It appeared thanks to...


One of the most commonly debated topics nowadays is about the imminent triumph of intelligent machines over humankind. They will take over the world, our jobs, be able to function autonomously and become more intelligent than humans. Even the brightest minds of our era, like Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and Elon Musk believe they could pose a threat to humanity. Artificial Intelligence does, however, remain, artificial. Here are cases where the brain wins over the...


Human Resources rely mainly on human qualities and interaction, especially in recruitment. New technologies emerging every day bring continuous changes to the world of work and make it data-intense. Processing and assessing this data effectively is paramount for all sectors of work, and for recruitment processes too. However, how can something lacking all nuances of the human psyche be applied to something so human-specific? In this case, Natural Language Processing (NLP), an artificial intelligence (AI)...


One of the biggest problems companies face today is recruiting talent. Overused recruiting tools do not make much of an impact on coveted, passive top candidates. Benchmarking can be used in two different ways, both applicable to recruitment processes. First, you can set benchmarks during your hiring process, taking action based on specific data to make continuous improvements when recruiting. The other way is to look at experts that have already found techniques that you can...