Home2019November 2019 - Catenon World


The philosophy of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), born at the end of the last century, has become extremely widespread over the years. CSR is a model helping companies be socially accountable for what they produce. By implementing CSR, corporations can be conscious of the economic, social and environmental effects they are having on society. They commit to increase their positive impact and reduce the negative.  However, as important as CSR is for the community, it...


Human Resources rely mainly on human qualities and interaction, especially in recruitment. New technologies emerging every day bring continuous changes to the world of work and make it data-intense. Processing and assessing this data effectively is paramount for all sectors of work, and for recruitment processes too. However, how can something lacking all nuances of the human psyche be applied to something so human-specific? In this case, Natural Language Processing (NLP), an artificial intelligence (AI)...


As is well known, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network. Launched in 2003, it was purchased by Microsoft and has more than 645 million users in more than 200 countries. In Spain alone, it has already surpassed 3 million users, including companies and professionals.  Staying out of this professional network means, in the end, staying out of many opportunities, not only professional but also work. 47.6% of users use the network up to 2...