Home2020April 2020 - Catenon World


Catenon announces the opening of new offices in Belgium in order to strengthen its operations in Europe. The opening takes place in a partnership ExSeCO, to bring us closer to our local clients. “We found in ExSeCo and Philippe the right spirit and mentality we want to offer our customers”, says Pablo Sánchez, Emerging Markets Managing Director. “Belgium was a blank spot in the map for a longer time and we are pleased to finally...


Many companies have seen themselves forced to limit their activity due to the current pandemic. Despite the difficult times COVID-19 has brought forth, now is not the time to stop improving yourself. Dedicate the time on your hands to helping your employees develop their personal brands to become better professionals, and to boost the company’s brand image. An employer brand is what companies stand for, how they express who they are; but it isn’t however,...


“Nothing will be the same anymore”. That is everyone’s fear: companies, organizations, governments and society in general. The current COVID19 pandemic has no borders and has spread from country to country with overwhelming ease. In a hyper-connected, global world, everything circulates faster. Good and bad. All countries affected by the virus have been forced to isolate their populations with the aim of curbing infections and protecting the limited capacity of national health systems. A kind of de-globalisation where the movement...


Acquiring talent right now is a tricky situation. Many companies have been forced to stop, but many others continue, only from home. A challenge many were not prepared for. If the COVID-19 crisis has revealed anything, it is that telecommuting also requires a strategy, a planning of resources and efforts, and should not be taken lightly. Beyond having equipment for all employees, coordination is necessary. And here, communication, without face-to-face, becomes fundamental. The vast majority of our customers have not...


The COVID-19 pandemic has slowed the demand for short-term talent in various sectors, such as the ones of construction, petrochemical, tourism or export. The freezing of their activity has caused it to fall, and yet, according to reports, global talent demand has grown by 7% in Asian countries, which have been fighting the crisis since December 2019. This crisis is not affecting everyone equally. While some companies are sending their employees to work at home, others...

Now that we are in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and that telecommuting has become the only alternative to shutting down, we are trying to adapt to this way of working, which, to some companies, represents nothing, and to others, a real challenge. Technology has certainly facilitated this process. But not everyone has this capability. Not all companies can have a device ready for each employee to take home, nor do all employees have...


For several weeks now, recruiters from more than half the world have been forced to conduct video interviews with their candidates. For most of them, it is an exceptional situation. “Personal interviews are made to meet the candidate in person, and it is impossible to do so through a video”. That was one of the main arguments Catenon was faced with 20 years ago when this type of interview was not yet popularized, and there...


If you look around you will see that technology has become indispensable to our daily lives. Especially now that we’re living in a tight confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Technology has revolutionized every sector of the economy, including the Legal one. Because the Legal sector also competes. However, not only have their processes and tools been improved to offer a better and more competitive service, but important challenges have been posed for their clients....


Companies all over the world are taking measures to help improve the situation with the pandemic COVID-19, more commonly known as Coronavirus. Brands worldwide have shown their values and demonstrated a real commitment to society during these times of hardship and uncertainty.  For a couple of weeks now, many large, medium and small companies have offered their support with regards to the global sanitary crisis. From non-profit organizations, textile companies to giant manufacturers and banks,...