Talent Technology6 ways to help you improve your Candidate Experience

The technological advances of our era have completely shifted the way we work, especially the way companies recruit. Nowadays, the labor market is completely different from before: competitive, fast moving, and has forced to shift the focus of recruiting experts. The main challenge recruiters face is finding a way to gain the best talent before everyone else. The speed and agility of finding these professionals is a huge competitive advantage, but also the way we keep...
Catenon World4 years ago166512 min

The technological advances of our era have completely shifted the way we work, especially the way companies recruit. Nowadays, the labor market is completely different from before: competitive, fast moving, and has forced to shift the focus of recruiting experts. The main challenge recruiters face is finding a way to gain the best talent before everyone else. The speed and agility of finding these professionals is a huge competitive advantage, but also the way we keep them throughout the process. Knowing that selection processes are sometimes long and frustrating, this undoubtedly leads us to improve the candidate’s experience.
If neglected, it can have a negative impact on an organization’s employer brand and ability to attract and retain the best talent throughout the selection process.


What do we refer to with candidate experience?
We refer to the whole process that goes from the candidate applying for a position until he finally joins the company. A “Candidate Journey” that involves an easy-to-use career site, where applying is simple and fast, but at the same time contains all the necessary information about the position applied to. It also involves a follow-up system, feedback and continuous contact with the candidate.
This continuous contact with the candidate is the most complicated but at the same time the most necessary. Smooth communication brings transparency and agility to the process and helps avoid unexpected surprises with the potential last minute rejection of a candidate. But candidate experience also comprises selection tests done before or during the interview. The interviewer becomes the interviewee and the power of the candidate becomes greater the more his profile is demanded.


Why is it important to look after candidate experience?

A bad review has a lot more repercussion than a good one. In fact, Deloitte has published a study indicating that candidates who had a bad candidate experience will advise others not to apply. Whether they come from your environment or not, social networks like LinkedIn or Glassdoor can serve as a platform to comment on these experiences. Candidates will investigate the company before applying. A negative employer brand may be pushing away the talent you want to attract. 

In the current labour market, the power of certain candidates (whose profiles are hard to find) has increased. Many of them may not even in active search, and companies are the ones that pursue them. These candidates hope to be won over and will not get involved unless they are actually attracted by the job and the company. In fact, 78% of candidates believe that candidate experience is an important indicator of how a company shows its values, takes care of its employees and how they will be treated if they are hired.


How can you improve your candidate experience?


  • Analyze the company’s current situation and pin-point areas to improve.
Have you ever stopped to think about everything a candidate has to go through to be hired in your company? From seeing an offer on the web to signing the contract. Watch each step, and stop at every detail. Is it easy to apply from your website? Do you get the data you need? Analyze the behavior of your candidates, and evaluate their feedback after their participation. Look for what your candidates say about your processes, don’t wait to find the answer via a random portal.
  • Market your employer brand

Studies have shown that 75% of candidates research across multiple channels a company before applying. They will look for information, reviews, company values, and much more. The more information available, the more susceptible they are to apply. That pre-application stage is an ideal opportunity to explain who you are.

Rather than leaving it to chance and hoping regular job postings will catch the eyes of the talent you look for, real efforts have to be made.  The brand is looked at, but can look the way you want it to. Be sure to add extra value to your candidates so they end up choosing your brand over the others.


  • Clear communication with your candidates
Communication, as in all processes, is of vital importance. It is a simple way to bring clarity and transparency, and is neglected in most cases. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, pending discussions and, in general, a waste of time for both parties.
All this is without considering that a candidate could also be a potential client. Why make efforts to care for a relationship with a client and not with a candidate? Completing a cycle with either party is paramount. Only 20% of candidates receive emails from recruiters notifying them that they are not being considered. And in such a digital, immediate, automated world, there are no more excuses. An automated e-mail with customization options is one of the most accessible and simple tools today, and can make the difference. While the response the candidates receive may not be what they expect, at least they did not remain uncertain.
  • Simplify
A study by Linkedin points out that the difficulty of applying to a position is one of the major conditioning factors for potential candidates. Most negative ratings given by candidates regarding Career Sites and selection processes included comments about process being too long, complicated, repetitive or impractical in general. Organizing the implementation and evaluation process is a basic task to be carried out. However, many tasks can be easily automated thanks to technology.
  • Personalize interviews as much as possible.

From the first post to the personal interview. Cold, impersonal emails… easily fall into oblivion. Especially for those who are get daily messages from recruiters eager to make them a part of their team. Be original, but above all, think about who you’re talking to. There are already tools that allow you to customize conversations. However, there is nothing like an interview in which the candidate feels at ease, in a fluent conversation. Not only for the candidate, who will have better experience, but also for the interviewer, who will be able to obtain more information.


In short, a good candidate experience is a very powerful employer brand message, a decisive message about an organization’s ability to acquire the best talent. Small details can have big impacts and can be extremely beneficial.




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