Future of WorkIT/Tech/Digital3 Ways Technology is Transforming Law

If you look around you will see that technology has become indispensable to our daily lives. Especially now that we’re living in a tight confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Technology has revolutionized every sector of the economy, including the Legal one. Because the Legal sector also competes. However, not only have their processes and tools been improved to offer a better and more competitive service, but important challenges have been posed for their clients....
Catenon World4 years ago8677 min

If you look around you will see that technology has become indispensable to our daily lives. Especially now that we’re living in a tight confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Technology has revolutionized every sector of the economy, including the Legal one. Because the Legal sector also competes.

However, not only have their processes and tools been improved to offer a better and more competitive service, but important challenges have been posed for their clients. How has this technological revolution affected and how will it affect the future? We see it in these three points.


Tech Law, what is it and what does it consist of?

It is the technology applied to the provision and marketing of legal services, that is, the technology a legal professional disposes of to exercise his activity. They are tools aimed at providing better customer service, improving their experience, and ensuring greater immediacy.

The large volume of documentation and information, and the existence of tasks that can be automated, making the incorporation of these types of tools necessary. It is already doing the first global platform of Legal Tech or Artificial Intelligence applied to offices.

The profiles most in-demand in the sector will, therefore, be those able to navigate in the digital world, familiar with new technologies. Not only does a pure legalistic profile serve, but a pro-active professional is sought. You must know how to communicate on the network, to search on it and continually drive improvement.




Legal Data Analytics 

With Big Data increasingly on the rise, it is clear that knowing how to manage the huge amount of indexed data in the network can be key to the success or otherwise of a case, or provide a competitive advantage for law firms, both in terms of efficiency and improvement in service and business development. Intelligent data management allows past legal cases and processes to be analysed to predict the future more accurately and to make appropriate, data-based decisions more objectively.
Large firms in the US and Europe are already incorporating into their Legal Department Data departments professionals specializing in Big Data and data analysis.


big data

Law for Tech: New Technological Challenges

Technological development at different levels and in different areas of society, in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning or blockchain to name a few, also poses new challenges for governments, legal systems and of course, for legal professionals. In the trend towards hyperspecialization, areas of law are emerging and are beginning to be explored. These areas have to do with the asymmetries that technology generates in knowledge, and in the interpretation and application of the law.

EY analyzes in this article the six major regulatory challenges of Artificial Intelligence. However, we also face challenges in data protection, taxation, copyright or compliance, to speak of some areas.
These challenges require professionals specialized in these different areas, able to combine legal knowledge, and technical knowledge and skills to understand the challenges that technology is posing.


So, what’s the most wanted lawyer of tomorrow? 

He who not only has an excellent legal profile but one that is also marked by a technical specialization and possesses technological skills. It’s a close to perfect combination. The reality is that “more human” skills will continue to be necessary, in addition to others such as creativity, critical thinking, the ability to negotiate or active listening. A profile that, in short, adapts to an environment and to our customers more and more technological and global.



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