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One of the most commonly debated topics nowadays is about the imminent triumph of intelligent machines over humankind. They will take over the world, our jobs, be able to function autonomously and become more intelligent than humans. Even the brightest minds of our era, like Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and Elon Musk believe they could pose a threat to humanity. Artificial Intelligence does, however, remain, artificial. Here are cases where the brain wins over the...


The First Industrial Revolution mechanized production. The Second used electricity to create mass production. The Third, known as the Digital Revolution, developed computers and information technology to automate production. The Fourth Revolution builds on the Third, but differentiates itself by the speed of technological breakthroughs and the impacts of new systems. As we find ourselves amidst the fourth industrial revolution, the world of work changes entirely. The ‘future of work’, generally regarded theoretically, is becoming today’s...


The world of fashion and luxury is highly fascinating. Managing to get a job with one of the giants of the fashion world has been and continues to be the dream of many people. Constantly surrounded by that aura of mystery, quality, elegance and exclusivity, from designers to managers, they have necessarily gone from arranging the products that others made to being themselves who created them. It was and is not an easy process. And...


Traditionally-speaking, the total or partial outsourcing of recruitment processes has served as a way of reducing the costs of acquiring talent or covering a specific need at a given time. But little by little, RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) has become a way of adding value to recruitment processes by improving their efficiency and effectiveness. Much of this added value is due to the introduction of technology into RPO projects. From Talent Analytics to machine learning,...


According to this article by Jeff Fromm for Forbes, 69% of Gen Z considers the Employer Brand of a company important when applying for a job, and 77% considers diversity as a key factor in their decision to work there or not. With the new generations coming, the must-haves that companies must comply with are changing completely and they demand a true cultural change. One of those must-have is diversity, and diversity assumed in its...


Can you imagine arriving at your office and finding an IBM robot called Watson seated at your desk? This could happen in HR departments in a not-so-far-off future. The reality is that IBM is capable of predicting with 95% accuracy when workers are planning on leaving a company. It also suggests actions managers can take when faced with employees at risk of leaving. Moreover, its artificial intelligence solutions can cover enough positions to reduce the...