Future of WorkAre you really prepared for Generation Z?

According to this article by Jeff Fromm for Forbes, 69% of Gen Z considers the Employer Brand of a company important when applying for a job, and 77% considers diversity as a key factor in their decision to work there or not. With the new generations coming, the must-haves that companies must comply with are changing completely and they demand a true cultural change. One of those must-have is diversity, and diversity assumed in its...
Catenon World5 years ago14747 min

According to this article by Jeff Fromm for Forbes, 69% of Gen Z considers the Employer Brand of a company important when applying for a job, and 77% considers diversity as a key factor in their decision to work there or not.

With the new generations coming, the must-haves that companies must comply with are changing completely and they demand a true cultural change. One of those must-have is diversity, and diversity assumed in its fullest form.


Just more than diversity

The truth is that few companies have understood the more holistic version of diversity. A diverse company is not just an organization that is committed to different cultures, but much more. An organization with a more flexible structure, and training and development plans, that also supports internal mobility and entrepreneurship. Diversity as the freedom to share and grow.


Is that enough?

Currently, it is almost impossible to talk about the loyalty of Gen Z and to keep them constantly engaged. In practice, we notice that even offering development and training programs, talent is not being retained. Why is it happening?

One of the causes may be that you are not taking into account all the diversity meaning. Diversity, in its most complete form, is not only achieved with cultural diversity. According to this study, it is to achieve equality and mutual respect, recognition and integration of the group, and to inspire confidence to share without fear of rejection or failure. Diversity is not inclusion, and in its most holistic version, both should be fully integrated into the company, not just in the company’s processes and policies, but also in the brand, and even in the design of the workplace. Here you some statistics about what generation Z wants from the workplace.


The science of inclusion: Deloitte’s inclusion model

Infografia generación z



But how do I apply it to my company?

A culture’s transformation to become not only diverse but also inclusive. Many organizations underestimate the change that is required or forget important aspects such as communication. Deloitte proposes seven actions to take into account:

  1. Recognize that progress will take a culture reset
  2. Create a shared purpose and meaning by broadening the narrative to the diversity of thinking and inclusion
  3. Build inclusive leadership capabilities
  4. Take middle managers on the journey
  5. Nudge behaviour change by rewiring processes and practices
  6. Strengthen accountability, recognition, and rewards
  7. Pay attention to diverse employees and customers

The cultural change is an indisputable truth and implies an authentic necessary revolution, especially if we want to attract the talent of the new generations. The Gen Z is already in the labour market and however, we are not yet fully prepared. To reach the full meaning of diversity and inclusion is the must-have of every organization.

There you have the challenge!

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