Digital RecruitersFuture of WorkPredictive analytics in talent acquisition

Leveraging results through data The way we compete on the market, build relationships between companies and clients, and run the economic system, in general, is transforming at an extremely fast rate. We can no longer rely solely on perceptions, nobody can deny the intrinsic value of big data. According to Predictive Analytics Today, predictive analytics is a way to take existing data to find patterns and identify trends that can be used to reorganize how services...
Catenon World5 years ago13306 min
Leveraging results through data

The way we compete on the market, build relationships between companies and clients, and run the economic system, in general, is transforming at an extremely fast rate. We can no longer rely solely on perceptions, nobody can deny the intrinsic value of big data.

According to Predictive Analytics Today, predictive analytics is a way to take existing data to find patterns and identify trends that can be used to reorganize how services are offered.

For people who work in human resources or recruitment, the ever-increasing use of data promises to spark a revolution in the way we make decisions. Interviews based on an interviewer’s biases and emotional decisions, are going to be replaced by evidence-based decision-making.

Analyzing data can help companies find the “right” person much more quickly, which in return has a significant impact on business success.


The value of predictive analytics in HR departments

Finding the best talent is one of the largest concerns of any company. Predictive analytics solutions help us find patterns and establish links to predict future events.

They do this by allowing us to forecast the employee’s characteristics that best work for the company and to act accordingly.

It is important for recruiters to offer a different hiring strategy. One way of doing this is by adapting your current hiring strategy to the latest trends.


What benefits can you obtain from applying predictive analytics to an HR model?
  • Forecast talent

First, companies that do not develop strategies to fight this reality will continue struggling to recruit the talent they need. Data and analytics help employers to eliminate doubts surrounding recruitment.

It is quite easy to use analytics to select possible candidates that best your list of ideal attributes.

  • Increase productivity

Finding the right candidates quickly is a huge competitive edge in the recruitment sector. We have known for several years that, companies that use data and analytics in their businesses, experience greater productivity and profitability than their counterparts.

The use of predictive analytics promotes: informed decision-making, drives ongoing improvements in performance, enables smarter employee selection, creates a competitive edge, and favours increased revenue.

  • Get the most from recruitment by knowing a candidate’s skills

Data-driven recruiting is the latest in modern hiring processes. It provides a way to paint a 360º picture of a candidate. Nowadays, the Internet is a gold mine of information for recruiters. This, make a recruiter’s work much easier, with more satisfactory results when it comes to finding and selecting talent.

At Catenon, we are experts in data-based Talent Acquisition. Our technology platforms enable us to access and manage the Internet information. As such, we are able to offer our clients an objective service. We are based on the experience of our digital recruiters, but also supported by the highest quality data.

As a result, we identify and introduce you to the best candidates, far from perceptions, biases and personal opinions.


If you would like to find out more about how Catenon can help you define a talent attraction strategy driven by data, write us an email at and we will get back to you as soon as possible!


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