IT/Tech/DigitalTalent TechnologyDo you know the ways AI can help us?

Artificial Intelligence has an undisputed potential in human resources. Although it is not yet widely applied in companies — only 25% of global organizations using IA have developed a strategy for the entire company—, it is a task that is already on the table. It is about freeing teams charged with little added value to focus all decisions on key tasks. In short, automation is a strategic issue for companies that want to survive in...
Catenon World5 years ago11804 min

Artificial Intelligence has an undisputed potential in human resources. Although it is not yet widely applied in companies — only 25% of global organizations using IA have developed a strategy for the entire company—, it is a task that is already on the table. It is about freeing teams charged with little added value to focus all decisions on key tasks. In short, automation is a strategic issue for companies that want to survive in an increasingly complex world.

The HR departments, fortunately, closer to the business, cannot be oblivious to this automation process. Making quick and effective talent decisions can make a big difference.


Here are some examples of AI applied to HR:
  1. User experience (candidates or employees): through the improvement of online applications, job posting assistants (Grammarly or Textio) or the use of chatbots to maintain contact with candidates (Mya, from Adecco Group’s Digital Ventures, or Google Dialogflow).
  2. Talent identification: With LinkedIn becoming increasingly saturated, there is a need to find passive talent quickly, with more personalized messages that do not fall into the spam tray. (
  3. Talent Assessment: in a more objective and effective way. For example, Crystal to evaluate the personality or Seedlink to evaluate behaviours and skills.
  4. Training and learning: through mentors and virtual assistants, with real-time responses, analysis of training needs, gamification and creation of development plans more adapted to the needs and concerns of each worker.
  5. Prediction and analytics to make more intelligent decisions in the area, through the analysis and interpretation of information. For example, Predictive People.

Along with these applications, Artificial Intelligence is being combined with other emerging technologies such as IoT, blockchain, NLP, virtual reality and facial recognition. Its use will, undoubtedly, continue to increase in the coming years, and we will no longer only have to think about how and in what way it will be implemented, but also how society will react and whether our world is truly ready.



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