Digital RecruitersAttract, convert and fall in love. Inbound Recruiting

It could well be a mantra for a commercial strategy or a marketing campaign to gain new customers. Now we’re dealing with a customer who has always been there but has never been considered as such: candidates. The truth is that the world changes very fast and constantly, and it is increasingly difficult for companies to find the talent they need at the right pace. Even more so when candidates are becoming more and more...
Catenon World5 years ago24814 min

It could well be a mantra for a commercial strategy or a marketing campaign to gain new customers. Now we’re dealing with a customer who has always been there but has never been considered as such: candidates.

The truth is that the world changes very fast and constantly, and it is increasingly difficult for companies to find the talent they need at the right pace. Even more so when candidates are becoming more and more passive and are overwhelmed by so many job offers. Candidates are now an important customer, and what used to apply to customers now also applies to them. Find out how!



When recruiting came across Marketing.

A clear example is Inbound Marketing techniques, a methodology that accompanies the user throughout the purchase process, from beginning to end, with the appropriate content for each phase. It is an “accompaniment” process that aims to generate a relationship between the brand and the user, in this case, the candidate. And if the relationship works, to turn Inbound Recruiting into a machine to receive qualified candidates on a continuous basis.

Inbound Recruitment puts the candidate at the centre and provides them with a complete experience through different content strategies that reinforce the company’s employer brand and generate relationships between the company and the candidate, not only active but also passive. It is about attracting talent in a “natural”, non-intrusive way, and accompanying it continuously with quality content and all the knowledge offered by Marketing.


Much more than attracting the right talent

Technology has helped a lot, and we have been able to use different tools to automate and adapt the experience to specific candidates. Complete, well-designed job offers, accompanied by videos and infographics, or quick and simple application forms, even in mobile versions, are some examples for attracting. In fact, according to a Potentialpark study, 48% of candidates who intend to sign up for an offer withdraw due to complicated forms.

But Inbound Marketing does not stop there, the subsequent management of the candidate is very important, and having good communication tools that allow interaction in a fast and centralised way.

And the end goal is to lead to a contract. However, regardless of whether the hiring takes place or not, the aim is for the candidate to become a small “ambassador” for the employer’s brand and share their excellent experience during the selection process.


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